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UM System President Tim Wolfe

Leadership is one of the most important qualities the head of an organization must possess. Obviously, just because one is the head of an organization, DOESN’T mean they possess the quality of leadership. For example, if you have the wrong leader you may expect to be on a three-hour tour and end up stuck on an island.

That’s why we were elated to hear of Tim Wolfe becoming the next president of the University of Missouri System. His bio is quite impressive, showing a history of taking companies and products from ground zero to the heights of success. The product he has now is nowhere near ground zero as the UM System has a reputation as one of the country’s, if not the world’s, leading research institutions. With those resources at Wolfe’s disposal, it’s exciting to think of where the System could be in 10 years.

We encourage you to connect with the UM System in the social media space if for no other reason than to keep your fingers on the educational heartbeat of our state. What are you most excited about with President Wolfe?