Our great taglines series continues this week with Turbo Tax. Connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
It is that dreaded time of year. The Tax Man Cometh. Just two months separate us from the tax deadline of April 15th. One of the most unpleasant deadlines of the year is softened a bit by the ray of light that is TurboTax’s tagline, “The Power To Keep What’s Yours”.
As easy as it would be to descend into the political cesspool here, we love that this tagline screams empowerment. It empowers us to control our own destiny within the confines of the IRS tax code; a very valuable feeling. It also gives us the ability to keep as much of our income in our pockets. That’s not to be underestimated in today’s day and age, right? How many times have you felt absolutely powerless while working on your taxes? More often than not is our guess. TurboTax doesn’t want you to feel that way ever again. Which is why they’re giving you POWER.
We’ve talked in the past about how taglines inspire emotion in people. “The Power To Keep What’s Yours” inspires one of the greatest emotions of all. Positive self-esteem. And when it comes to taxes, the IRS, and Uncle Sam, we can all use more of that.