There is a lot of marketing advice floating around out there. Unfortunately, not all of it is advice worth taking. To make matters worse, some of that information becomes widespread even though it’s misinformation. Still, especially if you’re a novice, it can be hard to tell what suggestions are worth taking, and what’s worth discarding.
So what are the biggest myths out there? Let’s go through five of the most prominent examples.
Myth #1: “If you build it, they will come”
Building a since website is certainly step one, but what does it matter if nobody knows about it? In order to maximize the things you build, you need to have great marketing. To get the attention you want, focus on the following tasks:
- Social media
- Email marketing
Myth #2: Sell the sizzle, not the steak
Your clients or prospects may appreciate the style you put into your work, but what they’ll ultimately write a check for is a solution to their problems. That doesn’t mean that the sizzle isn’t important – it is – but it’s less important than the substance.
Here’s how to sell the solution:
- Ask yourself why people should buy your product or service
- Ask yourself what makes your product/service unique
- Use “sizzle” sparingly
Myth #3: Instant sales? Just add marketing!
Good things come to those who wait. You’ve heard that saying before, right? Well the same principle applies to your marketing efforts. Rare is the campaign that creates immediate results. But if you’re willing to be patient, and take the right approach, you will see results.
Here’s how to measure whether your marketing tactics are working:
- Set goals and benchmarks
- Measure conversions
- Use social media analytics to measure engagement
- Review website traffic
- Review sales after beginning your marketing efforts
Myth #4: Marketing is all about millennials
It’s not about any one catch-all demographic, really. It’s just not as simple as saying you want to target people over 50, or people from certain states, etc. It’s about recognizing who your target audience is, and then devising a plan that will maximize your results.
A smart strategy is to create a “buyer persona.” This will cover the demographics of your ideal customer. Research the following categories:
- Age
- Gender
- Location
- Other pertinent demographics
Myth #5: Only big businesses use digital marketing
People tend to think that digital marketing is more expensive than traditional alternatives. The opposite is often true – digital marketing is typically cheaper. You can often get more bang for your buck with digital marketing, even if your budget isn’t that big.