For the 2012 Job Point Local Celebrity Apprentice, Nelly was tapped as a contestant for the Green Team. For the talent portion of the competition, Nelly asked the Calevir team to help out …
About Job Point
Job Point was established by the Columbia Cosmopolitan Luncheon Club 47 years ago. Since 1965, they have been linking people and jobs by providing career planning and job placement assistance. Resources are focused on creating opportunities for persons with disabilities, economic disadvantages, and other barriers to employment. Programs are custom designed to prepare individuals to enter the workforce, while meeting a critical need of the business community.
Today, Job Point stands as a leader and innovator in Columbia and Missouri. Their programs have received nation-wide recognition and community endorsement for effectiveness. Professionalism, national accreditation and experience are the hallmarks, which earned the organization respect in its community.
Since their humble beginnings of serving 25 individuals, Job Point now serves nearly 1,000 people annually.
In fiscal year 2012:
- 694 persons were served.
- $9.56 was the average hourly wage at workforce entry.
- 73% of adult job seekers maintained employment for at least 90 days.
- 95% of our customers reported satisfaction with our services.
Team Green hopes that you will support Job Point, and our efforts to bring attention to their cause.