Our “Great Tagline” series continues with local favorite the Sub Shop. Connect with them on Facebook.
Sandwiches are among mankind’s greatest achievements. An entire meal you can hold in one hand with as many combinations as you can dream up. Here in Columbia, the number of sandwich spots is only outnumbered by the number of students on the MU campus. While picking a favorite would be an impossible task, picking out a favorite tagline is not.
The Sub Shop’s “Best Buns In Town” slogan has always been one of our favorites. It fits perfectly with their culture, and creates a draw for any newcomers to town. Many companies try too hard to fit every ounce of sentiment and trust they can. Sometimes, a company can just have FUN. And that’s certainly what the Sub Shop excels at. That and french onion soup. Pretty sure their stuff could be put up against anything made in Paris.