Memorial Day. The unofficial kickoff of summer. Swimming, barbecue, the lake, and time spent with good friends are on a lot of agendas this weekend. Still, there’s two other things that should be on our agendas, but probably aren’t. Taking a moment to offer thanks to our veteran’s, who this day is for, and participating in your local Memorial Day service.
You’ll hear time and again over the weekend how we don’t thank our veteran’s enough. That’s true; mainly because unless we are in a constant state of thanking them, we can never come close to offering the amount of thanks due to them. So, thank them by engaging with them on Facebook and Twitter and spread the message of their brave deeds all year long. We’ve highlighted a few entities for you to get started with, and recommend you find many more:
U.S. Air Force (Twitter and Facebook), U.S. Army (Twitter and Facebook), U.S. Navy (Twitter and Facebook), U.S. Marine Corps (Twitter and Facebook), Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs (Twitter and Facebook), West Point Military Academy (Twitter and Facebook), Naval Academy (Twitter and Facebook), and the Air Force Academy (Twitter and Facebook).
What are some of your favorite follows for Memorial Day?
Photo: Eddie Coyote via Flickr. CC 2.0