When we at Caledon Virtual create something we think is really great, we like to tell people about it. Not because we want to self-congratulate ourselves, but because it puts our clients in a great light and we want you to see them in the same light we do. We’ve just launched the new site for Print Ninja.
Pretty nifty, wouldn’t you say?As you can imagine, with a name like Print Ninja, these guys are an absolute blast to work with. Not only do they have ridiculously competitive pricing, but they produce high-quality work. We think we’ve created a site that reflects that.
This site does much more than you would expect from a printing company. Ever seen a site that provides you with blank templates to design your project from? MyCreativeShop.
Get a head start on your project with templates provided for youHave your postcard art ready, and just need to get that order finished and to the printer? No problem. You can do that on the Print Ninja website. You’re beginning to understand just how user-friendly this website is. It puts lower prices, high-quality production, and control directly in the hands of the client, because after all, that’s the most important person in the relationship.
The ability to upload artwork is a key factor to the Print Ninja site. Knowing you are almost out of letterhead and needing to get some ordered quickly, you can just direct yourself here and have your order to you before you run out. Ease, convenience, and again, high-quality products are what Print Ninja and the website are all about. Enough from us though, you’re probably saying to yourself, “Self, this sounds like an awesome place to do business. But what exactly IS Print Ninja?” Glad you asked. Here’s how they describe themselves:
What is Print Ninja? Your new best friend for custom label printing services, a Missouri company that provides US customers with “wicked low” prices on printed goods from China while delivering traditional American quality and service standards.
They can’t deliver overnight, but they’re your ideal printer for jobs with longer lead times. (Could you plan ahead if you knew you would get 25-70% savings off your last printing job?)
Because we’ve enjoyed working with the Print Ninja team, and look forward to working with them in the future as our relationship develops, we would encourage you to engage with them on Facebook as well. Obviously, we have a direct relationship with Print Ninja, and we want to be as upfront with you as we can when we hand out our Follow Friday recommendations. That said, we can tell you that it is worth your time to go like them on Facebook.
Leave your comments below to let us know what you think of the site, and go visit it.